Java desktop links of the week, January 16

  • Kevin Rushforth posted to the openjfx-dev mailing list encouraging everyone to start testing their software on JDK 9, because a lot has changed in there with regards to modularisation, removing impl API, etc. It is critical that bugs be reported now and not after release, so get testing!
  • Florian Brunner has released Drombler FX 0.9. Drombler FX is a modular application framework for JavaFX.
  • Gerrit Grunwald has done another of his 'Friday Fun' releases, this time combining the world map control with the heat map control he has previously built, and the result is pretty cool!
  • The AdoptOpenJDK project has a jitwatch project written with JavaFX that analyses and visualises the Java HotSpot JIT compiler.
  • Chris Newland has released part three of his DemoFX performance testbed / demoscene callout :-) The YouTube video of it is very cool...

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