Java desktop links of the week, June 20

Another week of Java desktop links - hopefully you all find something of interest. Also, thanks to everyone emailing me links!



  • Gerrit Grunwald has released SteelSeries 3.9.3, which, despite the small version number increment, is a huge update over the last release. The number of new features is impressive - certainly more than I can even start to cover in a sentence or two: you'll have to go to Gerrit's blog post to see everything.
  • Alexander Potochkin carries on with his 'Swing in a better world' series, this time covering listeners.
  • Hendrik Ebbers has started a new project called jgrid, which is a grid component for Swing.
  • Oracle Learning put up a video recently on 'using JLayer in Swing applications'.


That's all I have for you this week. I'll see you in a weeks time :-)

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