Java desktop links of the week, February 28

Howdy folks to another week of links. It certainly seems like the number of links this week has picked up, which is great to see. Let's get right into things.


  • Adam Bien continues posting about JavaFX 2.0, this time doing a quick post about how a TableView control can be created and populated. On my behalf, your feedback on this is very much appreciated (even though the API shown by Adam is a little out of date now).
  • Peter Pilgrim has recorded three screencasts as he plays with and explores the new JavaFX 2.0 SDK. Just note that what he is showing is pre-beta code samples using APIs that may change, and of course no best practices have been developed yet, so continue to explore with alternate approaches! :-)
  • Stephen Chin is currently in India on business, and he gave the 'JavaFX 2.0 and Alternate Languages' talk he and I first gave at JavaOne. Each time he gives it it's a little bit different though, so it pays to check it out if you're interested.
  • The JavaFX 2.0 roadmap has been updated to reflect the current state of progress. In general it appears as if the JavaFX team are doing a great job, keeping up with the schedule (which has always been a very tight schedule!).



Catch you all in a weeks time!

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